Friday 28th July - 4pm - TTUG Open Catchup

I am going to be at Overland Brewery in North Hobart from 4pm till 6ish if anyone wants to come along and have a beer/whisky/soft drink :slight_smile:

I think I can make that actually! From about 4-5:30pm Edit: Thanks for the date clarification

Sounds like a reasonable idea to me

I will make the journey and see you there (:

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Assuming I don’t forget, I should be there sometime after 4:30pm.

Sorry but I have come down with something - hopefully I can see you all next time.

There will be a next time :slight_smile:

Will be sitting at a table with a motorbike helmet with orange on it :slight_smile:

Thanks all for the turnout. Was good to catch up! Will post one for next month soon. :slight_smile:

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